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Over 1,100,000 links from the Word of God to over 85,000 pages of concordances, lexicons, dictionaries and commentaries!

GOSHEN Christian Search Engine and Directory
DC Talk
The Official DC Talk Website
Newsboys - Official Site: This is a very cool interactive site! Step on up to the Microphone, One God, One Body, One Faith Alone, If You Don't Know - Then You Need To Be Told ...
Petra - Official Site, Another cool interactive rock band site!

Calvary Chapel
Chuck Smith's Calvary Chapel Homepage: Churches Worldwide, Ministries, Bible College, Library, Fellowship, The Gospel, and More...
Christian Research Institute
Visit the Christian Research Institute or Tune in Live to The Bible Answer Man Broadcast
Dr. James Dobson's Focus on the Family: Dedicated to the Preservation of the Home through the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Chuck Swindoll: Insight for Living Homepage
Seminars that deliver a lively presentation that is humorous and touching but also powerful in showing each partner how to understand the other so that love, passion, and intimacy can flourish in their marriage.

We don't have to choose between the lesser of two evils any longer !

The TRUTH about a common False Teaching :

Excellent Teachings by Tommy on some Controversial subjects:

A link with some helpful insight. For the mature and discerning Christian only, if you find this subject offensive, please, simply choose not to go there.

A link with some helpful insight. For the mature and discerning Christian only, if you find this subject offensive, simply choose not to go there.

A few links with some helpful insight. For the mature and discerning only, if you find any of these subjects offensive, please, simply choose not to go there.


Tommy's business supports his ministries: